The Martian Adventure by Hasna Ahmad

 Hello! Today I just wanted to share someting I have written. It is a short story which has the genres Sci-Fi, Adventure, Mystery and Suspense. Without further ado, I herby present you The Martian Adventure.

The Martian Adventure- by Hasna Ahmad

Dad almost fainted when he heard that Jimmy was driving the bus.

“Why is my son driving a bus?!” he wailed, “It’s a disaster!”

He ran around the bus with huge, mighty steps.

I honestly thought that Jimmy drove the bus nicely for a 7 year old, but it sent chills down Dad’s spine.

“Help!” he exclaimed.

Dad’s yelling had got all passengers panicked. It was time to resolve this problem, so I sat, thinking of what to do next. It was kind of difficult to think properly in this chaos, but I managed to find a solution. The first thing I’d need to do is to calm Dad down, which is a difficult thing to do.

I tried to quieten him down, but he became worse. He shrieked “Help!” in all 5 languages he knew, instead. I had enough of this and was about to quit, when Mum said we could work together. With our teamwork, Dad finally calmed down, and I discussed my plot with my parents.

I had a lollipop with me, so I used it to lure Jimmy out of the driving seat. Then Dad bounced on the seat, and quickly pushed the break pedal with all his strength.  Finally, the bus stopped moving. I breathed a sigh of relief. I felt some weird movements below the driver’s seat, but I kept quiet.

Dad’s face was red with anger, as he scolded Jimmy during our way back home. I looked through the window, my mind flooding with thoughts.

What was under the driving seat, I thought.

Could it be a monster?

 I knew that monsters don’t exist. I never believed in ghosts and monsters when I was little anyway. As a 15 year old girl, I felt that it was silly and immature to be scared of them.

What was it?

That was the question that had pretty much stuck to my head. Later in the evening, I asked my parents if I could visit the bus the next day. After a lot of debates, my parents finally gave in and permitted me, as long as I was careful.

The next morning, after having breakfast, I grabbed my backpack and rushed out of the house.

I creeped in the bus, trying my best not to scare the creatures away. I peeked under the seat, and saw cute and colourful creatures. At first, they were scared and tried to run away, but when I offered my granola bar I had in my pocket, they hopped and sat on my palm. I gasped.

They are Martians! How did they get here?

These Martians was almost the size of a hamster, just slightly bigger. I sat in awe. Those creatures looked amazing. One of them was light red in colour, another Martian was dashing blue. There was also one with pretty pink! The creature, who I assumed as their leader, that sat at the middle of my palm started squeaking, and, before I even knew it, there were many of them encircling the leader. It seemed that there was around 50 of these creatures, all having their own beautiful colour.

They all look super adorable! I thought in excitement.

The leader then leaped onto my shoulder, and, holding a weird instrument, it started whispering. Now I understood everything that happened and I would like to share their story with you...

These extraordinary little creatures had decided to go for a vacation on Earth when their spaceship broke down. After lots of panic and chaos, they landed on top of the bus, and so they crawled down into the bus. After searching, they found a place underneath the driving seat and they called this place home. After the bus madness, and after we had left, there was a hunter who tried to capture these innocent looking creatures. Fortunately, the hunter couldn’t find them and left. The poor little things were awfully frightened and now they ask for my help.

I absolutely must help them.

I had to come up with a plan. I pondered for a solution for a while. At last, I had an idea that the Martians loved, although I wasn’t sure that it was safe or if it will work at all. I’d have to stay overnight, but what will my parents say about this?

They’d probably call the police and, once I’m found, my parents would obviously ground me... probably for the rest of my life...

That thought didn’t sound great. So I came up with another plan after moments of thinking.

Finally I realised this plan would save me from a lot of trouble, so I started doing it immediately.

I unloaded my backpack, which had nothing in it except for a torch and my phone. I asked the Martians to stay in my backpack. Then I kept the items in my pocket. The Martians and I were going to my house.

When I arrived, I explained everything to my family. Jimmy and I made a house for the Martians, Mum made some food for them and Dad agreed to accompany me to catch the hunter once and for all.

Here is when the real adventure begins...

Dad and I sneaked in the bus and decided to hide. There wasn’t enough places to hide in the bus. At first, I thought Dad could hide under the driver’s seat, and soon realised that my idea was foolish. Dad could not possibly fit in there.

Then suddenly, we heard feet stomping, and realised that it is coming towards us. Dad quickly hid between the seats and I hid under a seat facing a window.

The noise were growing louder. I could hear sharp and heavy breaths. My heart started pounding. As the noises grew louder and louder, my heart was beating faster and faster. Then I heard someone loading a gun.

Oh dear! I thought. What have we got ourselves in to?

I saw legs in front of me.

What do I do now?

I peeked behind me and saw my father, hiding. It seemed that he was going to sneeze loudly any minute.

Oh no! Don’t sneeze Dad!

My heart was racing. When I turned my head, I saw a heartless person staring at me. He looked cold and angry. I heard his disgusting voice as he said “Well, well. Who do we have here?”

He tugged my hand and pulled me out. Suddenly my Dad sneezed as loud as an elephant.

Just great! We’re done for!

The man pulled my ear with one hand and pointed the gun at Dad. Fear roused within me.

He was about to pull the trigger...

“Hands up! Police!” someone shouted.

Hooray! We’re saved!

The Police officer tugged his head and forcefully pulled the gun from the man’s hand. Then he let go of my ear and put his white hands in the air. Once I got out of the bus, I screamed in joy!

Now, I was back at my home, safe and sound. I rushed to meet the creatures and to narrate my adventure to them.

We had contacted an animal rescue centre, who happily agreed to take care of the Martians, and they will arrange a way for the Martians to go back to their home. I always visited them after school, and Jimmy and I played with them. It was finally the time for them to go back to their home, Mars.

Few days later, while I was cleaning my room, I stumbled upon something. I looked carefully and saw that it was the weird translating device that they used to communicate with me. I smiled.


I really hoped you liked this story. Please share your thoughts in the comments section. I would also be happy to recieve suggestions so, if you have any, please feel free to share them with me. Thank you for reading!


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