The Time Travelling Adventure- by Hasna Ahmad

Hello! Today I just wanted to share someting I have written. It is a short story which has the genres Sci-Fi and Adventure. Without further ado, I herby present you The Time Travelling Adventure.

The Time Travelling Adventure by Hasna Ahmad

I was going to plant a little sapling in our backyard. When I struck my shovel on the ground, I heard a noise. I ignored it and dug further. Suddenly, my shovel couldn’t move further. It felt like something hard was blocking the way. I peeped through the hole which I dug. There was something shiny. Out of curiosity, I decided to dig it out.

Finally, I could pick the thing up. I tried to explore the object. It had dozens of buttons and a lever made of gold. The body of the object seemed to be made up of metal, with protective coating, as the object didn’t have rust anywhere. I decided to ask my Dad about it. I rushed to my father’s study right away.

When I entered the room, I saw my Dad working on something. It felt like a really old ring. He had several books beside him as well. My father loves history a lot, and he is an archaeologist. Perhaps this was the reason I brought the object here.

“Dad, do you know what this is?”

I handed it to Dad. He studied the object carefully. He grabbed a book from his library, and referred to it. At last, which seemed like forever, he stared at me, his face full of amazement.

Finally, he spoke “Do you know what you just brought here?”


“This is a time travelling device,” he said, quivering with excitement, “and this device is so old.”

My mind couldn’t understand. I just dug my backyard, and here my father says that I made an archaeological discovery? I was baffled.

“How about we go for a time travelling adventure? What do you say?”

“That sounds amazing, Dad.”

“Ok then. Let me finish my work, and then we can embark on this adventure.”

I was so excited! I couldn’t wait to see my friends’ faces when I tell them that. I quickly packed a backpack full of essentials. I was ready to face the past.

The night before our expedition, I dreamed of myself. I visited every place, which looked mesmerising. I was part of every historical event that occurred. It was an awesome dream, and I never wanted it to end. Sadly, my brother interrupted it, by splashing his Water- Blaster all over me. He got this as a gift from my uncle, just few weeks before, on his 6th birthday. Ever since he got this, he squirted water on everything and everyone, and I am his favourite target.

“Wakey, wakey” he crooned.

“Why did you soak me?” I said, grumpily, “Couldn’t you do anything else instead?”

He answered me with a “Sorry!”, squirted me again, and ran off.

It was a fine morning. We had an enormous breakfast, because when Mum found out about our new adventure, she didn’t want us to leave with an empty stomach. When I finished breakfast, I felt like a pumpkin.

We went into our car. Mum was driving today. She drove in an isolated place, gave me a mini lecture, said goodbye, and drove off. Dad toggled with the buttons while I watched.

“What year shall we go in?” he asked.

“I don’t know... type something random”

Finally, he pushed the lever. The surroundings around us was getting blurry. It felt as if the world was spinning around us. Then, jolts of electricity surrounded us. We were time travelling, the first people in the world to have ever done so...

We reached in the woods, and we decided to go further. We suddenly arrived at an open place. Dad was figuring out where we were, while I explored the place. Suddenly, I spotted a huge army. I quickly told Dad about it. He suggested that we hide behind the bushes nearby. We realised that it was a battle field. Two humongous armies stood opposite each other, ready to fight. Dad was looking at the device, struggling to find information on our situation. Finally, he found out that we were in Hastings at the year 1066. I tried recalling if I had learnt about any wars like this in history class. I remembered one.

“Dad, I think this is the battle of Hastings.”

“Yep, This army is king Harold’s army, while the other is William’s army.”

We witnessed the horror of battle. We were suddenly approached by a soldier.

He unsheathed his sword. He was ready to kill us. Dad tried to explain using thier language, but it no use.

Finally Dad decided that we should escape. We both swiftly ran away. Dad stopped.

“That was close.” Dad said

“How about instead of talking, lets get out of here Dad. I don’t want to be killed.”

We ran even further, hoping the soldier was left behind.

“Where do we go now?”

“Can we go home?”


He handed the device to me, and I typed the year 2072 by mistake. I looked forward to get back home. I was wrong. The world started spinning. Jolts of electricity surrounded us. I felt dizzy.

We arrived at our neighbourhood. I knew this because I saw signboard. We rushed to our house.

Everything seems weird. I don’t remember planting this plant, or painting the walls in this colour...

Dad and I looked at each other, worried what had happened. We rang the doorbell.

An old woman opened the door.

“My, my, who do we have here!” she exclaimed, “You look exactly like my daughter and husband, only in their younger versions!”

Dad looked startled. I was confused.

“Kate, George! Come here” she called out.

Those were our names. They finally came.

“Look, this girl just looks like me in my childhood photos, Mum.” Kate said, “What’s your name?”

“Kate” I answered.

“Haha, she even has the same name.” The old woman chuckled.

“We’ve got to go, nice to meet you!” Dad said, hurriedly.

We went under a tree.

“What just happened!” I murmured.

Dad took the device from his pocket. His serious face suddenly became cheerful and he chuckled.

“Looks like you typed in the wrong year!” He laughed.

“Oops. No wonder everything just didn’t feel right.” I giggled.

He typed in the year 2022.

Finally everything felt right again!

We went to our house. Mum opened the door.

“You’re back already?” she asked.


We sat and told her about our adventure. I made sure that Dad didn’t miss out any details. As Mum listened, she looked at us with an amused face.


I hope you liked my story. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, and share this story with others. Thank you!


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