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Cellular Biology- Parts of Plant Cells and Their Functions.

C ells are the smallest element that can live on its own and makes up all living organisms and tissues. They are the building blocks of life, and are really, really small- they are usually measured in   μm . In this article, we’ll be looking at plant cells and their functions. Plant cells are eukaryotic cells (cells with a definite nucleus) found in green plants, which are photosynthetic eukaryotes of the kingdom Plantae. Parts of a plant cell: Cell walls:  Plant cells have cell walls (found outside the cell membrane) which are made up of cellulose, hemicelluloses, and pectin. It supports and protects the cell from damage. It is vital to not confuse cell walls with cell membranes. Vacuole:  It has a large central vacuole that sustains the cell's turgor, controls movement of molecules, stores useful material such as phosphorus and nitrogen,  and digests waste proteins and organelles. Inside it is the cell  sap , which is basically a water solution of salts and sugars kept at high co

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